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Showing 85-96 of 242 Blogs
Dakar Roofs - Beach & Ocean
July 2021|

Strengthening property valuation for taxation in Dakar, Senegal

by Justine Knebelmann & Victor Pouliquen

Property taxes offer a significant potential for developing cities in Africa, which crucially need revenues to…

From left to right: Yue Daisy Dai, Carlos Protto, Suranjali Tandon. Bottom row: Frederik Heitmüller, Mary Baine and Mustapha Ndajiwo
June 2021|

Perspectives on the progress of global corporate tax reform

by Mustapha Ndajiwo, Suranjali Tandon, Carlos Protto, Frederik Heitmüller, Yue Daisy Dai & Mary Baine

On June 30th to July 1st, the 139 countries that are members of the Inclusive Framework…

Flags of G7 countries
June 2021|

The G7 tax deal: ‘historic’ and ‘global’?

by Rasmus Corlin Christensen

This weekend, the Group of Seven (G7) finance ministers completed a “historic global tax agreement,” a…

image of a cannabis plant
June 2021|

Cannabis taxation – A new revenue source for development?

by Max Gallien, Giovanni Occhiali & Soukayna Remmal

In recent years, the legalisation of cannabis – initially for medical use, and increasingly for recreational…

Cigarette butts
May 2021|

West African governments must increase taxes on tobacco for better health and public finances

by Jean Tesche

For more than 30 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has designated May 31 as World…

May 2021|

Africa follows up the Biden proposals for international tax reforms

by Sol Picciotto

Reforming global corporate taxation Proposals from the Biden administration have injected new life into the international…

Money bundle
May 2021|

The Zakat as a means of wealth redistribution: What role for the state?

by Fatema Johoora

While many economists and politicians have begun to talk seriously about using wealth taxes to raise…

A globe
April 2021|

US minimum tax proposal galvanises debate on corporate taxation in countries rich and poor

by Michael Durst

The Biden Administration’s proposal On March 31, the Biden Administration proposed, as part of its “Made…

Hands typing on keyboard
April 2021|

Digitising taxation in Nigeria: Challenges and recommendations

by Abimbola AbdurRahman Lekki

In 2016, Nigeria’s Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council recognised that Nigeria should not be left behind…

Picture of UN HQ in NYC
April 2021|

Making the UN Tax Committee more effective for developing countries

by Abdul Muheet Chowdhary

As the current membership of the UN Tax Committee meets for the last time this week,…

January 2021|

Open Societies, Tax, and the British Aid Programme

by Mick Moore, Wilson Prichard & Giulia Mascagni

What is the connection between taxation and more open societies that the British aid programme aims…

Picture of a street vendor in a souk in Morocco
January 2021|

Informal Work and Auto-Entrepreneurship Laws in the Maghreb: What can Tunisia learn from Morocco?

by Max Gallien & Othmane Bourhaba

Informal economies in North Africa have frequently captured public attention in recent years. They not only…