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Showing 229-240 of 255 Blogs
October 2014|

Property tax in Africa: the ‘Cinderella’ of revenue instruments and why it matters for development

by Tom Goodfellow

It is well-established that urban property tax is among the most underutilised revenue sources in Africa. Many cities…

ICTD Government Revenue Dataset: Best Bet for Tax Data and Research
October 2014|

ICTD Government Revenue Dataset: Best Bet for Tax Data and Research

by Kyle McNabb

  I recently had the privilege of attending the launch of the ICTD Government Revenue Dataset…

September 2014|

Corporate tax avoidance and development: opening Pandora’s box

by Maya Forstater

Taxation is important for development, not only because taxes provide the revenues to fund public services…

Tax Justice Campaigning: Is Tough Always Smart?
July 2014|

Tax Justice Campaigning: Is Tough Always Smart?

by Mick Moore

  The Tax Justice Network has just published a report that starts from the assertion that the OECD…

How Developing Countries can take Control of their own Tax Destinies
July 2014|

How Developing Countries can take Control of their own Tax Destinies

by Krishen Mehta

  Krishen Mehta, a Senior Adviser to TJN, has written a short document with ten pointers offering ways…

Is tax the next big corporate social responsibility issue?
June 2014|

Is tax the next big corporate social responsibility issue?

by Isabel de la Peña

  In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes – Benjamin Franklin, 1789 [1]…

India’s firm stance on tax could actually help investors
February 2014|

India’s firm stance on tax could actually help investors

by Mick Moore

  India keeps getting into arguments with foreign firms over tax; is it wise to do…

Low revenue from the mining sector in Zambia and Tanzania: fiscal design, technical capacity or political will?
January 2014|

Low revenue from the mining sector in Zambia and Tanzania: fiscal design, technical capacity or political will?

by Olav Lundstøl

The developing world and Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) in particular, is witnessing a renewed global race…

The OECD’s Base Erosion Action Plan and Developing Countries
July 2013|

The OECD’s Base Erosion Action Plan and Developing Countries

On July 19, the OECD released its recommendations for global efforts to counter the much-publicised phenomenon…

Measuring the Performance of Tax Collectors: Good Sense, Quietly Buried
July 2013|

Measuring the Performance of Tax Collectors: Good Sense, Quietly Buried

by Mick Moore

Does Argentina collect its taxes more efficiently and effectively than Azerbaijan? Brazil than Burundi? Chad than…

International reporting standards required to tackle tax avoidance
June 2013|

International reporting standards required to tackle tax avoidance

  Alan Carter, senior economist at the Internatinal Tax Dialogue says high quality international accounting standards…

The Great Tax Awakening? Three Reservations
May 2013|

The Great Tax Awakening? Three Reservations

by Mick Moore

  Never has there been such extensive popular and political interest in tax reform. Never have…