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Showing 193-204 of 245 Blogs
ICTD panel pic 50th
July 2016|

Give and you shall receive? Taxation and fiscal contracts in Africa

by Rhiannon McCluskey

Last week, the Institute of Development Studies hosted its 50th anniversary conference titled “States, Markets and…

Pettah Sri Lanka
June 2016|

A home-grown remedy for Sri Lanka’s revenue crisis?

by Mick Moore

Sri Lankans sometimes like to claim perverse records for their country. You will likely have heard…

April 2016|

Why African governments should tax the rich

by Rhiannon McCluskey

A great deal of attention has been paid to the obstacles African governments face in effectively…

March 2016|

The ICTD government revenue dataset: still the best option for researchers

by Kyle McNabb & Wilson Prichard

In 2010, the ICTD launched efforts to create the ICTD government revenue dataset (GRD), which is…

February 2016|

Malawi Can’t Afford Evidence-Free Tax Campaigns

by Maya Forstater

Over the past couple of weeks Malawi has become the latest poster child for UK campaigns…

January 2016|

Five Questions About Property Taxation in Africa: Insights from the ICTD Roundtable

by Rhiannon McCluskey

It is widely recognised that property taxation is the most viable, efficient, and progressive means of…

January 2016|

Will Google dispute spark global tax war, despite OECD tax agreement?

by Mick Moore

On Wednesday, 31 countries formally agreed to support and implement one of the main recommendations put forward by…

December 2015|

Is responsible tax behaviour the next frontier of CSR?

by Rhiannon McCluskey

In the past decades, the evolution of international norms has led fair labour practices and environmental…

November 2015|

IMF Speech at the launch of the Government Revenue Dataset

The official launch of the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) Government Revenue Dataset September…

November 2015|

G20 leaders adopt BEPS package for International tax reform

by Sol Picciotto

There’s surprising news from Antalya, where the G20 leaders met last weekend. The meeting was obviously…

OECD plan means governments no longer taxing in the dark
October 2015|

OECD plan means governments no longer taxing in the dark

by Antony Ting

Two years on from a project triggered by scrutiny of the “successful” tax avoidance structures of multinationals such…

Sierra Leone
October 2015|

Taxpayers’ perceptions on local government taxation in Sierra Leone

The Centre for Economic Research and Capacity Building (CERCB), just concluded a week-long regional dialogue workshops,…