Showing 133-144 of 192 Media Coverage
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February 2019

ICTD annual meeting broadcast on Rwanda TV

The meeting took place on February 5-8 in Kigali, Rwanda. The Commissioner General of the Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA), Pascal Ruganintwali, opened the meeting. RwandaTV captured the first day of the conference, interviewing our network members and Research Fellow and Capacity Building Manager Dr. Jalia Kangave.

February 2019

ICTD annual meeting on the front page of leading Kinyarwanda paper

The 7th annual meeting was held on February 5-8 in Kigali, Rwanda. It was featured on the front page of the leading Kinyarwanda daily paper, Imvaho Nysha. Read the online article here.

February 2019

Leading Rwanda paper covers ICTD 7th annual meeting

Igihe covered our meeting that took place in Kigali, Rwanda on February 5-8. The article title reads, Civil Society Organizations Urged to Follow-up Taxation Amongst CitizenRead the article here.

January 2019

ICTD cited in two blogs about tax regimes and disabilities

The International Centre for Investigative Reporting cited ICTD in their blog post discussing how unjust tax regimes make disability-inclusive development tasking. Read the ICiR article here. Another blog post by This Day makes the same points, citing ICTD’s research on taxing wealthy individuals. Read the This Day article here.


December 2018

Martin Hearson and Jalia Kangave cited in New Vision

ICTD research has recently been quoted in an article in New Vision titled “MPs want double taxation agreements renegotiated”. The article included reference to the ICTD Working Paper by Martin Hearson and Jalia Kangrave “A Review of Uganda’s Tax Treaties and Recommendations for Action”.

November 2018

NTRN featured in opinion piece on tax accountability in Nigeria

The NTRN was featured in an opinion piece on tax accountability in Nigeria’s leading business and finance newspaper, BusinessDay. This article was also posted on PremiumTimes, an online news organisation based in Abuja. You can read the article here.


November 2018

Alexander Ezenagu quoted in The Africa Report

Alexander Ezenagu, ICTD Researcher, was quoted in The Africa Report in a piece published on Friday 16th November. You can read the full article online here: Mauritius: Offshore on the radar


Horn Cable TV covers Taxing Africa event in Hargeisa
November 2018

Horn Cable TV covers Taxing Africa event in Hargeisa

Horn Cable TV recently livestreamed “Taxation and Statebuilding. Should Somaliland Love Taxes?”, a launch event for “Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development”. Mick Moore, ICTD CEO and co-author of the book, presented at the event. You can watch the event in full on YouTube below.

Screenshot of 'Africa: why mining is hard to tax' article
November 2018

Taxing Africa excerpts published in AfricaFocus Bulletin

Excerpts from chapter 5 of ICTD’s book Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development were published in the AfricaFocus Bulletin, released on Monday 12th November. Read the article online here: Africa: Why Mining Is Hard to Tax



Screenshot of article from World Stage
October 2018

NTRN second annual meeting covered in World Stage and The Nation

The Nigerian Tax Research Network held its second annual meeting in Abuja on 24th and 25th October, organised in partnership with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). Discussions from the meeting were covered in both World Stage and The Nation.

Read the article from World Stage online: Nigeria: FIRS boss calls for diversification, sustainable revenue base

Read the article on The Nation here: FIRS urges diversification of revenue sources

Screenshot of the Daily Nation blog 'Why tax without accountability is unacceptable'
October 2018

Taxing Africa discussed in Daily Nation blog

ICTD’s new book “Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development” was recently discussed in a Daily Nation blog by Tom Odhiambo titled “Why tax without accountability is unacceptable”.

Alexander Ezenagu interviewed for NTA report
September 2018

Alexander Ezenagu interviewed for NTA report

Alexander Ezenagu, ICTD Researcher, was interviewed by NTA for a special report on illicit financial flows. Alexander was in Abuja presenting at the International Conference on Combating Illicit Financial Flows and Enhancing Asset Recovery for Sustainable Development on 11th and 12th September.