ICTD Research in Brief 23

This ICTD Research in Brief is a two-page summary of ICTD African Tax Administration Paper 1 by Giulia Mascagni and Fabrizio Santoro. This series is aimed at policy makers, tax administrators, fellow researchers and anyone else who is big on interest and short on time. Knowledge about tax can contribute to shaping attitudes towards compliance. Citizens with better tax education are able to navigate complex tax systems, and can avoid overpayment due to intricate reporting requirements. They may be more encouraged to comply voluntarily. Against this background, we review the state of tax education in Africa, investigating common pitfalls of initiatives on the continent, and drawing evidence-based recommendations on how to improve them.


Giulia Mascagni

Giulia Mascagni is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies and Executive Director of the ICTD. Her main area of work is taxation, but she also has research interest in public finance, evaluation of public policy, and aid effectiveness. She is an economist by training, holding a PhD in Economics from the University of Sussex. Her main geographical interest lies in African countries, with a particular focus on Ethiopia and Rwanda.

Fabrizio Santoro

Fabrizio is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, and the Research Lead for the second component of the ICTD's DIGITAX Research Programme. His main research interests relate to governance, public finance, and taxation, with a strong focus on impact evaluation methodologies and statistical analysis. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sussex.
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