The ICTD is pleased to welcome Martin Hearson to the team. He will be leading the ICTD’s research programme on international taxation.
Martin’s research focuses on the politics of international business taxation, and in particular the relationship between developed and developing countries. He uses field interviews, archival documentation and novel datasets to study how international tax agreements are negotiated. Before joining ICTD, Martin was a fellow in international political economy at the London School of Economics, teaching courses on political economy and global financial governance. He spent a decade working in the charity sector, and continues to collaborate with development NGOs and intergovernmental organisations in much of his research.
You can follow him on Twitter @martinhearson. You can also visit his personal website and his Google Scholar profile.
Reminder: The call for research proposals on international taxation and development is still open. Details here.
Selected work
2016. Measuring Tax Treaty Negotiation Outcomes: the ActionAid Tax Treaties Dataset. Working paper, 47. Institute of Development Studies, International Centre for Tax and Development, Brighton, UK.
2016. A Review of Uganda’s Tax Treaties and Recommendations for Action. Working paper, 50. Institute of Development Studies, International Centre for Tax and Development, London, UK. With Jalia Kangave.
2018. China’s challenge to international tax rules and implications for global economic governance. International Affairs 94(6):1287-1307. With Wilson Prichard. Published version (free link) | Accepted version (open access).
2018. The challenges for developing countries in international tax justice. Journal of Development Studies 54(10):1932-1938. Published version (free link) | Accepted version (open access).
2018. When do developing countries negotiate away their corporate tax base? Journal of International Development 30(2):233-255. Published version (open access).
2018. Transnational expertise and the expansion of the international tax regime: imposing ‘acceptable’ standards. Review of International Political Economy 25(5):647-671. Published version (open access).