Taxes are not just about money and not just for economists. Using as a starting point recent flashpoints such as the E-levy and recent tax protests in Ghana and other parts of the continent, the panel will show the connection between taxation and wider political and social issues. This interactive panel will discuss the relationship between taxes and trust in the state, elections and public mobilisation, informality, and gendered social relations.

The panel is co-presented by the Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS) at the University of Ghana (UG), the Gender Equitable and Transformative Social Policy for a Post-Covid Africa (GETSPA) project at UG’s Institute of African Studies, and ICTD.


Date & Time

The panel will be from 14:00 to 15:30 GMT (15:00-16:30 UK time) at the Cedi Conference Centre (Seminar Room 2), University of Ghana, Legon Campus. Click here to join virtually via Zoom.

Event Details
Past Event
12 September 2024

Colette Nyirakamana

Colette Nyirakamana is Research Lead for the Local Government Revenue Initiative, and Senior Research Associate at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on building the fiscal autonomy of subnational governments across sub-Saharan Africa.

Max Gallien

Max Gallien is a Research Fellow at the ICTD. His research specialises in the politics of informal and illegal economies, the political economy of the Middle East and North Africa and development politics. He completed his PhD at the London School of Economics. Max co-leads the informality and taxation programme with Vanessa, as well as the ICTD’s capacity building programme.

Jalia Kangave

Jalia Kangave holds a PhD in Law from the University of British Columbia, and has over decade of experience in the fields of taxation, law, and international development. She previously served as the Principal of the East African School of Taxation in Uganda, worked as a tax consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers Uganda, and was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies. Dr Kangave is the lead consultant for the International Centre for Tax and Development’s research programme on gender and taxation.