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Showing 109-120 of 132 Publications
Research in Brief

Taxation, Non-Tax Revenue and Democracy: New Evidence Using New Cross-Country Data

by Wilson Prichard, Paola Salardi & Paul Segal
April 2016
Working Paper

A Fiscal History of Ethiopia: Taxation and Aid Dependence 1960-2010

by Giulia Mascagni
March 2016
Working Paper

Building Support for Taxation in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Mexico

by Gustavo A. Flores-Macías
March 2016

Taxation, Responsiveness and Accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Dynamics of Tax Bargaining

by Wilson Prichard
October 2015
Working Paper

Tax and the Governance Dividend

by Mick Moore
July 2015
Journal Article

The political economy of property tax in Africa: Explaining reform outcomes in Sierra Leone

by Samuel Jibao & Wilson Prichard
May 2015
Working Paper

Revenue Reform and Statebuilding in Anglophone Africa

by Mick Moore
May 2015
Working Paper

Taxation, Non-Tax Revenue and Democracy: New Evidence Using New Cross-Country Data

by Wilson Prichard, Paola Salardi & Paul Segal
September 2014
Working Paper

Electoral Competitiveness, Political Budget Cycles and Taxation in Developing Countries

by Wilson Prichard
September 2014
Journal Article

Revenue Reform and Statebuilding in Anglophone Africa

by Mick Moore
April 2014
Partner Publication

Local government taxation in Sub-Saharan Africa – A review and an agenda for research

by Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Gérard Chambas & Jean-François Brun
March 2014
Research in Brief

Taxation and Livelihoods: A Review of the Evidence from Fragile and Conflict-Affected Rural Areas

by Oliver Lough, Richard Mallett & Paul Harvey
February 2014