Why has cutting VAT on period products spread as a popular policy idea across the world?
Join WaterAid and the International Centre for Tax and Development as we launch a new working paper, and discuss the politics of the ‘tampon tax’ – an issue that has united campaigners from across to globe to argue that products necessary to manage a biological monthly occurrence should be exempt from VAT.
But whilst the abolition of the ‘tampon tax’ has hit headlines across the globe, there is very little academic literature exploring how, and why, this idea has become a global phenomenon. In this webinar, we will discuss:
• Why, and how, has the abolition of the ‘tampon tax’ spread across countries as such a popular policy idea?
• Are governments using adequate data and evidence to inform their decisions to reduce or remove VAT on sanitary products?
• Is campaigning for the abolition of the ‘tampon tax’ an effective way to address gender and menstrual inequality?
Speakers and panellists include:
• Dan Neidle, Founder, Tax Policy Associates Ltd.
• Dr Jalia Kangave, Lead Consultant Gender and Taxation, ICTD
• Severine Allute, WASH Governance Advisor, Tanzania
• Maisie-Rose Byrne, Policy and Campaigns Manager at WaterAid West Africa
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Read the research brief “Playing Politics with Periods: Why the abolition of the ‘tampon tax’ is spreading across the world“