Integrating the gender dimension into public finances, and in particular taxation, has become a challenge for revenue authorities around the world. Tax policies and the way they are implemented can have a significant impact on gender issues in tax systems.
The seminar organised by the Cercle de Réflexion et d’Echange des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF) and the Gabon Tax Administration in Libreville address a number of key issues in this area, including:
- gender strategies already implemented or being implemented in CREDAF member tax administrations;
- gender diagnostic tools in tax administrations;
- women’s networks within these administrations;
- gender issues in relations with taxpayers;
- a special focus on the framework for analysing implicit and explicit gender bias; and
- gender issues in relation to tax expenditures.
ICTD Executive Director Giulia Mascagni is speaking on the gender explicit and implicit framework, its limitations and raise attention to gender issues in tax expenditures, drawing on findings from the ICTD’s work on Gender and Tax.
Other speakers on the session include: Anne-Claire Jarry Bouabid, an independent tax expert and Nadia Ingabire from the Rwanda Revenue Authority.
This is a face-to-face event only.