This study aims at evaluating the impacts of the digital tax policy (where digitisation and automation have been introduced in tax administration) on local revenue collection. It takes an interesting angle on subnational tax authorities, and how IT projects can help them in their core functions.


Fossong Derrick

Fossong Derrick holds an MSc in economics. He is a PhD fellow in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, University of Bamenda, Cameroon, and also a project manager at Love Lead Research and Data Association (LoRDA Center), Cameroon.

Ashu Mc Moi Ndi

Ashu Mc Moi Ndi holds an MSc in Public Finance and an MBA in Business Administration. He is a PhD fellow in Management. The University of Buea, Cameroon and works with the local councils. He is also a researcher at Love Lead Research and Data Association (LoRDA Center), Cameroon.

Yenika Boris

Vushugeh Marvel Gwieh