ICTD Research Director Dr Giulia Mascagni has been featured in two episodes of the IMF’s TADAT podcast, sharing the latest insights on tax compliance research in lower-income countries. 

Giulia joined Mick Keen, Deputy Director of Fiscal Affairs at the IMF for the two conversations. In the first, moderated by Annette Schmitz of the TADAT Secretariat, they discussed how new developments in methods and data availability have meant that tax experiments have gradually moved away from lab settings and towards the field, which has allowed significant advances in the literature on tax compliance.

Episode 1 “From the Lab to the Field: Lessons Learned from Tax Compliance Research”

Research mentioned in this podcast:

Episode 2 “Chasing Tax Ghosts”

In this episode, Giulia and Mick spoke spoke with Munawer Khwaka Sultan, a tax expert for the IMF and the World Bank, and the conversation was hosted by Chrys Esseau Thomas of the IMF.

Research mentioned in this podcast:

Stay tuned for the third episode, which will be live on May 4th and will focus on taxing the wealthy in lower-income countries