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Showing 25-36 of 80 Blogs
Ghana: A woman carries fruit on her head as she passes a mobile money stand in the Tesano neighborhood.
February 2023|

The Ghana e-levy: Can the latest rate reduction win greater public acceptance and increase revenue?

by Awa Diouf, Alex Ampaabeng, Mary Abounabhan & Hannelore Niesten

The reduced tax rate on electronic transactions is unlikely to satisfy Ghanaians given the country’s rising inflation…

Photo of man texting on mobile phone
February 2023|

Taxes on digital financial services in Africa – An unlevel playing field

by Hannelore Niesten

Taxing transactions made via digital financial services differently from those made via traditional banking services can…

January 2023|

Calling all Latin American and Caribbean Ministers to rethink global taxation

by José Antonio Ocampo

As I participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, I feel a keen…

Photo of women of Takalafiya-Lapai village, Niger State, Nigeria
January 2023|

Mobile money tax: Is there a gender gap?

by Hannelore Niesten & Mary Abounabhan

Gender and tax: As Africa increasingly introduces specific taxes on digital financial services (DFS) such as mobile money, do DFS taxes exacerbate or reduce gender inequality?…

blurred man holding his ID in focus to the camera.
November 2022|

Identity issues: Four challenges for digital IDs in Africa’s tax systems

by Fabrizio Santoro, Moyo Arewa & Celeste Scarpini

From streamlining primary healthcare to amplifying agricultural outcomes, digital IDs matter. Here are some of the reasons why……

Ugandan landscape shot with a small hut in left foreground, lakes centre and right background and a yellow sign that read mobile money airtime selling in front of the hut
October 2022|

How should Africa’s digital payments be taxed?

by Philip Mader

Africa’s governments need tax revenue to fund everything from education and social welfare to paying international debts. No wonder governments are eyeing digital financial services (DFS) – a rapidly growing, highly profitable industry – for additional revenue….

woman at a mobile money street stall in Tanzania
October 2022|

Tanzania to waive electronic money transfer levy, except on mobile money?

by Hannelore Niesten

From 1st October 2022 Tanzania eliminated the levies on certain electronic money transfers, but not on mobile money….

Mobile money agent in Zanzibar, Tanzania
October 2022|

African governments hope digital taxes will fill a budget hole

Republished from The Economist with permission. The digital economy is bringing Africans together. The same cannot…

flags of East African Community countries
September 2022|

Mobile-money taxation in East Africa: Harmonisation or laissez-faire?

by Hannelore Niesten

Regional tax harmonisation is controversial, with compelling arguments for and against. Is it desirable? Or beneficial? And if so, to whom?…

June 2022|

Why taxation should be high on the agenda for Commonwealth leaders

by Giulia Mascagni

Tax might not be the first thing that comes to mind but it is central to delivering much of the transformative change on the agenda in Kigali, from increasing women’s economic participation to youth entrepreneurship….

June 2022|

Taxes as collateral: to risk or de-risk?

by Martin Hearson & Mary Abounabhan

Ghana’s Electronic Transfer Levy (E-Levy), set into implementation on the 1st of May, has been met with heated public criticism….

mobile money kiosk in rural ghana
April 2022|

Uncertainty still dogs Ghana’s Electronic Transfer Levy

by Christopher Wales & Hannelore Niesten

Can Ghana’s Electronic Transfer Levy be implemented legally on the 1st of May? And beyond that, how will it work?…